convey - Income Concentration Analysis with Complex Survey Samples
Variance estimation on indicators of income concentration and poverty using complex sample survey designs. Wrapper around the 'survey' package.
Last updated 5 months ago
6.10 score 19 stars 201 scripts 1.1k downloadsSAScii - Import ASCII Files Directly into R using Only a 'SAS' Input Script
Using any importation code designed for 'SAS' users to read ASCII files into 'sas7bdat' files, this package parses through the INPUT block of a '.sas' syntax file to design the parameters needed for a 'read.fwf()' function call. This allows the user to specify the location of the ASCII (often a '.dat') file and the location of the 'SAS' syntax file, and then load the data frame directly into R in just one step.
Last updated 2 years ago
5.19 score 21 stars 1 dependents 248 scripts 589 downloads